03 April, 2008

the bookstore from who knows where...

yesterday was my dads birthday.

and like the last minute person i am i had not got his birthday present until 20 hours before he was actully born.....

here goes

fact i hate shopping even when it's for other people
so the one place i was willing to go was barnes and noble
manely because it's a bookstore...

after begging my 18 year old brother to take me there
he still did'nt want to do it (and i cant really blame him but i do love my dad)

so then i go to my mom (the only power i have over him) to make him take me to this bookstore so that i was'nt a bad daughter and of course she made my brother take me

we get there and i rush in the first thing i see is a samuri book and i think (no to last samuri)

then i go to all the mormon books and think(no to guilty)

i think about the CD'S but i have no idea what he like's or what he dos'nt have so i by-pass that section..
then i go to the journals and think(no to much work)

i fianally find this book about cars thinking (oh my dad likes cars)
i was way out of paitience by then
i rush to the check-out stand and with my luck there is only one cashier

and i'm behind about 7 other people

i was so done by then well all the people get checked out fairly quickly and the person in front of me gets up there and of course she has to be a 19 year old blond flirty girl who has to look at all the new CD'S at the desk talk about all the artist's and there history...

i'm telling myself breath thats the key..

so he (the cashier) fianally rings the book up and sees the book she is reading and says:
oh i heard this was such a good book
oh it is
that was prett much it and thinking they were done he jsut has to menchin a concert he was going to and of course! she was going to the freaking one!! ya for them

and then they went on and on and on and on about the band and how they got together..

then they were finally done!
and i had reached the end of my fuse..
i got up there with my car book and the cashier say's
so do you like cars?
not really i said trying to be nice but not suceding very well in it..
oh he said (his face looked confused)
oh i groaned it's for my dad's birthday
oh thats nice of you he said
not really i said (i was thinking just ring up the freaking book!!!!!!!)
this thought must have shown up on my face because he rang up the book and
then he gave it to me and then to my greatest annoyance he grabed it back and said
oh let me put that in a bag for you
still trying to be paitent but not doing so well...
he gave me my book a little frightend
and i ran back to my brother and said
okay he said are you okay he asked
NO!!! let just go please
okay he said...

well after that horrible shopping expirence i will never go again.

and thinking (i probaly will go back)